Inventory Management Software for QuickBooks

Grow your business. Reduce your stress.

Solve QuickBooks Inventory Challenges



Acctivate adds purchasing, order management, manufacturing, and business analytics functionality to QuickBooks.


Combine Acctivate with Clarity plugins to complete your QuickBooks sales management solution.


Creates all the basic CRM functionality for your customers. Setup contacts, shipping locations, credit guidelines, customer specific pricing, marketing codes and more.

Sales Order

All quotes and sales orders are recorded in Acctivate. Picking, packing and shipping are controlled from the sales order. Individual and batch invoicing is done in Acctivate.

Drop Ship / Special Order

Create purchase orders for drop shipments and special orders  from line items on the sales order.

Web Store Integration

Integrates Acctivate seamlessly to eCommerce platforms, such as Magento Commerce, Shopify and many more.  Simplify your online sales management with built-in connections to omnichannel merchants such as Amazon and eBay.

Automatically provide follow-up support records in the CRM. Acctivate downloads sales orders to keep your accounting current, and uploads inventory stock levels to the channels.

Product Data

Combine Acctivate with Clarity plugins to complete your QuickBooks unique Product Data solution.


Setup basic product information and requirements including multiple warehouses, costing method, pricing levels, units of measure and more. Create custom fields to track any information you need.

Serial Number / Lot Number Control

Track products by serial number or lot number. Reporting can track the lot number from receiving, through manufacturing, all the way to the customer.

Assemble-to-order manufacturers can assign a serial number to the order when it is sold, allowing kits to be assembled on-the-fly.

Track / Trace

Expands upon Serial Number / Lot Number Control. Provides graphic visibility of lots and serial numbers throughout your operations - from purchasing, throughout assemblies, transfers, and though to the final customer.


Supply Chain

Combine Acctivate with Clarity plugins to complete your QuickBooks supply chain management solution.


All purchasing is done in Acctivate including regular purchase orders (POs), as well as drop ship POs and special order POs. All products are received and tracked in Acctivate and all vendor bills are approved for payment in Acctivate.

Landed Cost

Manually and automatically allocate additional charges beyond the purchase price of a product. Customs, duties, insurance, freight, and shipping can be added across one or more transactions based on quantity, value or weight.

Multiple Location Control

Track and manage multiple bin locations within a warehouse. Multiple warehouses are a part of the basic Acctivate package.

FedEx & UPS Shipping Interface

Interfaces with UPS and FedEx shipping software in your office. Shipping and tracking information are attached to the sales order and the invoice automatically.

Mobile Warehouse Operations

Use wireless handheld devices to receive products and pick orders. Do inventory counts, transfer products from one location to another, and do assemblies.

EDI Transactions

Imports orders from your EDI trading partner into Acctivate, packs the orders, creates the Advanced Shipping Notice and invoices the trading partner electronically and without re-keying information. (850, 856, and 810 transactions) Map the 940 warehouse shipping orders to your Third Party Logistics Company and the returning 945 warehouse confirmation. Export purchase orders from Acctivate to your EDI service provider and vendor trading partners.


Combine Acctivate with Clarity plugins to complete your QuickBooks manufacturing facilities solution.


Create a new product, with the components used depleted from inventory and the new product added to the finished goods inventory.

Inventory Assortments and Kits

Matrix inventory lets you control inventory and track variations in products, such as apparel color, size, style and pattern.

Standard Kitting sells products as a single unit that is composed of multiple components by collecting or kitting them when shipped.

Custom Kitting allows one-off changes to be made to the quantity of kit components and to add or remove components from a kit on a sales order.

Quality and Process

Combine Acctivate with Clarity plugins to complete your QuickBooks quality and process management solution.

Business Activity Management

Creates an electronic folder that can be used for tracking sales, Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs), service calls, and more in one place. This is for activities that involve several people or take place over a period of time. Track notes, changes in status, emails, etc.

Business Activity Scheduling

Use a visual scheduling board to assign business activities. Drag-and-drop scheduling lets you move customer service,  manufacturing, quality and any other activities among the different people and facilities involved.

Business Activity Service Billing

Allows for billing of time and material charges within a business activity.

What is Clarity?

Clarity plug-ins extend Acctivate to provide targeted solutions for sales, distribution and manufacturing.

More about Clarity Plugins